Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The HSG was on 12/8 @ 1pm. I got there a bit early because you just never know. I had to put on a gown and wait in this little waiting room. After about 20 mins of waiting I got called back. The 2 techs talked me though what I was going to do and then they went and got the Radiologist. She was so nice. They then did the procedure. It took a total of maybe 10 mins. I had to roll to my sides to make sure that the dye was going out the tubes. I got to watch the whole thing. Everything looked so small. But she said that they looked good and open, but she would have the final report to my dr in a few days. I had some minor cramping and such. I felt really full and a little nausea when they were done, but for the most part, it wasnt too bad.

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